Automotive Industry

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High and low temperature fast change test aging box, this test box is suitable for the product (whole machine) for high temperature, low temperature, high and low temperature fast change conditions of adaptability test and stress screening (ESS) test; In order to analyze and evaluate the performance and behavior of the samples under specific environmental conditions.

Rotor Assembly Line

Rotor Assembly Line

Visual inspection of center console

Flexible design, high compatibility of finished products, and the equipment can store various test contents and programs of products.

Center console assembly line

Flexible design, high compatibility of finished products, and the whole line beat is 50S.

Instrument panel assembly line

Flexible design, high compatibility of finished products, and the whole line beat is 120S.

Door panel assembly line

Flexible design, high compatibility of finished products, and the whole line beat is 50S.

DC charging pile assembly line

Flexible design, high compatibility of finished products, and the whole line beat is 30min.

AC Charging Gun Assembly Line

Flexible design, compatibility with national standard/American standard/European standard single gun and European standard double gun, the whole line beat is 65-90S.

AC Charging Pile Assembly Line (Mode 2)

Flexible design, compatibility with multiple charging modes II, production of portable AC charging piles, the whole line beat 45-60S.

AC Charging Pile Assembly Line (Mode 3)

Flexible design, compatibility of multiple charging modes, production of three European standards/American standards/national standards, single-phase/three-item, single-gun/double-gun AC charging piles, the whole line beat 90-150S.
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