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CASMT Awarded the second place in Changzhou Region of the "Creators China" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Release time:2023-08-24

 (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongke Motong") was invited to participate in the 7th "Creators China" and 2022 Jiangsu Province SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and won the second place in the regional competition in Changzhou City, in order to further create an atmosphere of dual innovation, enhance the innovation ability and professionalism of SMEs and promote the high-quality development of SMEs.


The competition is guided by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and hosted by Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology. This competition presents the characteristics of "excellent main body, wide field, strong innovation, and solid content". The registered enterprises have strong R&D and innovation strength, and the proportion of "specialized and new" small and medium-sized enterprises is high. The participating projects are widely distributed, covering Changzhou key industrial clusters such as intelligent manufacturing, new materials, new energy, biological medicine, and industrial Internet. This competition attracted 71 enterprises to participate, with the largest increase in the number of projects in recent years. Well-known enterprises such as Antai Composite Materials, Xidian Changbian, Qiangyu Optoelectronics, Hengfeng Special Guide, and WeChat Technology have participated in the roadshow.


After a fierce competition, CASMT, with automation, informationization and intelligent production line as the core technology point, provided the new energy automobile industry with a full life-cycle intelligent factory system solution integrating "precision assembly automatic production line", "storage and logistics automation equipment", "intelligent operation and maintenance solution" and "digital factory overall consulting and design", and won the second place in Changzhou City Regional Competition of the 7th "Creators China" and 2022 Jiangsu SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.


The new energy era is accelerating, and Changzhou has four of the top five companies in terms of installed power battery capacity in China, two of which are the headquarters of the company. Changzhou has also taken the opportunity to build a perfect new energy vehicle industry chain, and CASMT has taken advantage of the situation to target key technologies and seize development opportunities. Through the strong collaboration with Jiangsu Intelligent Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tianmu Lake Energy Storage Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the company has established a joint solid-state battery laboratory and the transformation of advanced technology production, learning and research to ensure that the company maintains a leading technology level in the new energy industry and automation equipment field.


In the future, CASMT will focus on core parts manufacturing, increase the research and development of key technologies, improve the localization matching rate, and continuously improve the industrial chain to create new advantages for future development.

Latest Developments

New Product release | Zhongke Motong flat wire motor Hairpin stator automatic production line


New Product release | Zhongke Motong flat wire motor Hairpin stator automatic production line   With the rapid growth of demand for new energy vehicles, the development of automotive powertrain electrification has also flourished globally. As the general trend of the motor industry, Oems and third-party manufacturers are actively layout, and flat line motors have become the development direction of passenger car drive motors pursued in the industry in the past two years. Domestic head suppliers have also begun to enter the field of flat wire motor research and development, there are more than 10 car companies and third-party companies to develop flat wire motor. As an emerging market with great growth potential, the market size is expected to expand rapidly in the next few years.   As an enterprise that continues to deeply develop in the field of new energy vehicles, the company provides intelligent production lines of core components such as 3-in-1, flat wire stator, electronic water pump, electronic oil pump, integrated module, actuator, water valve, PTC and other core components based on automated production and research and development of new energy vehicle industry chain. The company uses flexible and standardized assembly, and the whole process data tracing. Core components 3D line scan detection, the third generation of EOL performance testing and other advanced technologies, to achieve automated assembly, visual inspection, performance testing, packaging palletizing, AGV logistics, intelligent warehousing, MES and other functions, has achieved the new energy vehicle industry chain industrial layout. From June 20 to 21, 2023, Zhongkemotong was invited to appearCHP2023 The 5th International Flat Wire Motor Summit and Innovative Technology Products Exhibition, booth No. V9.  Zhongkemotong site booth schematic The poor flexibility of flat line has always been a pain point in the industry,Zhongke Motong's latest generation of mass production line has already had a solution, among which the forming machine adopts high-speed and high-flexible forming CNC folding U+ automatic 3d mold change program, and the molding beat can be 1.5-2.5s,A single machine can achieve a variety of linear automatic collinear production。With the function of pre-insertion, the whole stator wire cup can be formed by a single forming machine. Multi-line parallel insertion technology is adopted to greatly improve the efficiency of insertion。In the torsion process has also completed a technical breakthrough, to achieve automatic mold change, torsion and compensation of high-precision control。This time, Zhongkemotong brings the latest research and development products:Flat wire motor Hairpin stator automatic production line。  Zhongkemotong actual customer cases  ✔ The key core equipment of the whole line includes: line forming, automatic wire insertion, paper insertion, flaring, torsion head, cutting head, welding, welding spot visual inspection, drop paint coating, the above equipment is self-developed.✔ The whole line is highly automated, information, flexible and intelligent, and the whole line is equipped with MES system.✔ Modular design, can increase the corresponding equipment according to the production capacity, to achieve low-cost expansion.✔ Can produce Hairpin flat wire stators under 10 layers. The sustainable development of new technologies in the new energy industry has become a national strategic goal, and the new technologies and new models related to it have also become the focus of attention of the industry. In this context, opportunities and challenges coexist. With the unswerving spirit of innovation and constant investment in research and development, Zhongkemotong continues to open up a new innovation pattern in the field of new energy vehicles, from cognition to opinion, from technology to products, from action to the future, to expand a broader new goal.
Press forward | zhongke "won many honors


Good newsZhongcomotong (Changzhou) Intelligent Manufacturing Co., LTDHave won many honorsIn order to create a strong atmosphere of respect, understanding and care for entrepreneurs from all aspects, and boost the development confidence of entrepreneurs in the city, the eighth day of the first lunar month is designated as "Changzhou Entrepreneur Day" every year.Zhao Dan, chairman of Zhongcomotong, received the first "Changzhou Entrepreneur Day" souvenir stamp and "Regular Business Service card" issued by Sun Lifeng, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Five Star Street, which encouraged entrepreneurs to dare to act, venture, dare to work, dare to create the responsibility, as a further transformation and upgrading, to achieve high-quality development. The construction of Changzhou intelligent equipment Engineering Research Center for new energy automobile industry conforms to the development trend of intelligent manufacturing in new energy industry.Through the key technologies of intelligent equipment assembly research and master application, Zhongcomoton improves the intelligent production level of manufacturing enterprises, improves the comprehensive innovation ability of independent development, promotes the development of intelligent manufacturing technology, and improves the market competitiveness of new energy vehicles. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Changzhou established the city position of "famous international intelligent manufacturing city and central axis hub of Yangtze River Delta", and made clear the major deployment of implementing the "532" development strategy.Chairman Zhao Dan actively responded to the call and led the company to make outstanding contributions in promoting scientific and technological innovation and development.  In order to fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20 Major, further mobilize the city's workers around the "international smart built city, the central axis hub of the Yangtze River Delta" city positioning, named and praised a batch of Changzhou Labor Award and Changzhou workers Pioneer.In recent years, Zhongcomotong has deeply integrated the new-energy automobile industry, accelerated the research and development of intelligent manufacturing technology in the industry, and made due contributions to write a new chapter of Jiangsu modernization construction with "strong, rich, beautiful and high".